Please do not duplicate Primary E-mail Address in this field
Multiple Phone Numbers May be Entered in this Section
Distance Fee is in addition to any Installation/Service/Trip Fee(s)
If we arrive at a property that was not disclosed as condominium, multi-use, vacant land or commercial, no installation will be completed and a trip fee will be assessed.
If we arrive at a property that we are able to determine the landscape is maintained by the HOA, no installation will be completed and a trip fee will be assessed. If unknown to the tech and an installation is completed, agent agrees to all financial responsibility for any and all damage to irrigation that could occur during installation. See Terms and Conditions.
*Appointments cannot be made for installations, please arrange with your client to accommodate your installation request. Sign posts cannot be placed on property not owned by the Seller.  This includes city/county property such as setbacks, HOA owned/maintained property, private property not owned by the seller, etc without consent of the applicable party.  A trip fee will apply if a service request is submitted for such property if applicable. Additionally, since it is not always possible for Real Estate Signs Today to know if a property falls into any of these categories and installation is completed, agent accepts full responsibility for any repairs or losses incurred as a result.
*Appointments cannot be made for installations, please arrange with your client to accommodate your installation request. Sign posts cannot be placed on property not owned by the Seller.  This includes city/county property such as setbacks, HOA owned/maintained property, private property not owned by the seller, etc without consent of the applicable party.  A trip fee will apply if a service request is submitted for such property. Additionally, since it is not always possible for Real Estate Signs Today to know if a property falls into any of these categories and installation is completed, agent accepts full responsibility for any repairs or losses incurred as a result.



If not going to be listed in MLS, a 6 month term applies, renewable.
Closed Weekends and Holidays. Click on Holiday Schedule for List of Holidays and Office Closures as this may affect service times
Closed weekends and holidays. Click on Holiday Schedule for List of Holidays and Office Closures.
Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully before using this website operated and maintained by Real Estate Signs Today, LLC. Your use of this website is conditioned on your acceptance of, agreement to be bound by and compliance with these Terms and Conditions. If you disagree with any part of these Terms and Conditions, then you may not request services. This website is only for use by a “Qualified Customer”, requesting services for a “Qualified Property” as defined below and constitutes a contract between Real Estate Signs Today, LLC and the “Qualified Customer”. These Terms and Conditions may be modified at any time by Real Estate Signs Today, LLC. It is the responsibility of the “Qualified Customer” to be aware of the most current version. “Qualified Customer”, herein “Customer” defined: A licensed real estate agent, broker, property manager or real estate company. You must be licensed with the Nevada Real Estate Division. No service requests can be made by any 3rd party vendors unless approved by Real Estate Signs Today, LLC. “Qualified Property”, herein “Property” defined: The qualified customer must have a contract with the owner of the property that is for sale, lease or rent in which service is requested. Any violations of these Terms and Conditions by the Customer may result in the termination of the relationship between Real Estate Signs Today, LLC and the Customer. In order to protect our property from further loss or damage, Real Estate Signs Today, LLC reserves the right to immediately remove all sign posts that have been installed for the terminated Customer. Once service is completed at the requested location, it is non-transferable to any other agent, broker, company or location. Sign posts are not to be removed or re-located by anyone other than Real Estate Signs Today personnel. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES PROVIDED BY REAL ESTATE SIGNS TODAY, LLC Real Estate Estate Signs Today, LLC provides sign post installation and other related services (as outlined on our web site) to Real Estate Professionals. Real Estate Signs Today guarantees that all services will be completed professionally and to the highest standards. The sign post will be placed in the most visible location & direction as determined by the technician unless specific instructions for post location and direction is provided by the customer. Installations are typically completed within 2-3 business days. No guarantees are given as there may be conditions outside our control that affect service times. See the below Exclusions that may apply: Exclusions: Holidays/Closures (as listed on our web site) Inclement weather (as determined by Real Estate Signs Today) Business day immediately following a holiday or inclement weather closure When customer sign pickup is required When access to the property is denied (including missing or incorrect gate codes) When listing address is located in a guard gated community When an elevated sign post is required over a wall or fence When 3 or more installations in one service day are requested (per account) When a service request is incomplete Mount Charleston service (weather permitting) Pahrump service Any other conditions outside our control including but not limited to employee accidents, injury, vehicle breakdown, unusually high service request volumes, etc. Sign posts, brochure boxes and riders provided by us and installed by us remain our property upon removal and are non-transferable to any other agent, broker, company or location. Sign posts cannot be used for more than one property, land parcel and/or listing (i.e. multi-unit dwellings for rent or sale) Sign posts cannot be placed on property not owned by the Seller. This includes city/county property such as setbacks, HOA owned/maintained property, private property not owned by the seller, etc without consent of the applicable party. A trip fee will apply if a service request is submitted for such property. Additionally, since it is not always possible for Real Estate Signs Today to know if a property falls into any of these categories and installation is completed, agent accepts full responsibility for any repairs or losses incurred as a result. Real Estate Signs Today is not responsible for the customer’s damaged or stolen property at the installed location. Sign post installations are subject to a maximum term of 1 year. Upon expiration of the 1 year term, the term may be renewed for another 1 year with a renewal payment equal to the current standard installation fees. If the property is not listed in MLS, a maximum term of 6 months applies. Upon expiration of the 6 month term, the term may be renewed for another 6 months with a renewal payment equal to the current standard installation fees or removed to avoid the renewal fee. CUSTOMER’S RESPONSIBILITIES: When requesting service, it is the Customer’s responsibility to watch for our e-mail confirmations as this is your guarantee that service requests have been received and services have been completed. When a request for installation or removal is received, an e-mail confirmation from [email protected] will be sent to the customer. When a service request has been completed, an e-mail confirmation from [email protected] will be sent to the Customer. It is the responsibility of the Customer to provide us with their most current contact information. It is the Customer’s responsibility to provide the correct address for installation. If we place a post at the property requested and it is not the correct address due to agent error in submission, standard installation fees will apply. If the homeowner/occupant does not permit installation (for any reason), a trip fee will apply. This includes properties with artificial turf, concrete, irrigation or obstructions where we are unable to place a sign post. Like-wise if a post has already been installed at the requested location and a homeowner, occupant and/or agent requests that we remove it after the fact, standard installation fees will apply. It is the Customer’s responsibility to arrange access to guard gated communities and we ask for at least a 2 day clearance. If clearance is required and not obtained, preventing us access, you will be charged a $29 fee. Customer must provide gate codes for gated communities and clearance for guard gated communities. If a gate code is required and not provided, preventing us access, or if we are denied access to a guard gated community you will be charged as follows: ~ Guard Gate Access Denied: $29 ~ Incorrect or No Gate Code: $24 It is the Customer’s responsibility to obtain HOA approval for sign post location, size or type. Customer must provide us with specific instructions if you would like the sign post placed in a specific location or facing a specific direction to avoid re-installation charges. Customer expressly acknowledges and agrees to all financial responsibility for any and all damage to irrigation that could occur during installation on any townhome or HOA maintained property since it is impossible to know how the irrigation lines run and installation in these areas are outside of our normal guidelines. If damage is immediately known, the installation will be terminated and the Agent will be contacted immediately. The Agent will be responsible to arrange for any and all repairs including any emergency repairs that may result. Real Estate Signs Today, LLC will be exempt from any and all liability. It will be at the sole discretion of Real Estate Signs Today to determine if the risk of installation is greater than the benefit for all parties. For all other property types, customer must notify Real Estate Signs Today within 72 hours of the installation of any irrigation damage caused by our installation. Customer must allow time for Real Estate Signs Today to repair the damage. Real Estate Signs Today does not pay 3rd party invoices for any repairs ordered by the Agent or Homeowner. Customer is responsible to notify us of any changes, cancellations, etc. for service previously requested during our normal business hours as indicated. If notification is received after hours, on weekends or holidays, customer understands that service will be completed as originally requested. If a re-installation is needed due to the sign post being removed, vandalized, stolen or damaged (including damage or leaning by weather or vandalism), standard installation fees apply. If a post is damaged beyond repair regardless of how damage occurred, agent will be responsible for the damaged post in the amount of $95. Customer is not to attach anything to our sign posts as damage may occur. This includes but is not limited to brochure boxes, riders, tape of any kind, balloons, lights, rope, etc. The only acceptable brochure boxes are ones provided by and installed by Real Estate Signs Today. This includes moving of our brochure box to any other part of the post as this causes permanent damage. Any damage caused by the customer or property occupant will result in a $95 damaged post charge. If a customer’s sign panel is vandalized, stolen, down or damaged and needs to be re-hung or replaced with another sign from our inventory, a $28 fee will apply in addition to any applicable distance fees. This includes damage or other factors caused by weather or vandalism. Customer must request sign post removal PRIOR TO listing expiration, sale, lease or withdrawal. $95 fee per post $12 fee for missing spike and $15 fee per brochure box will apply if sign post and/or brochure box is un-recovered for any reason or broken by vandalism, weather, homeowner or agent removal, etc. Please note that Real Estate Signs Today audits its’ database against MLS and reserves the right to remove our post(s) from a listing that is no longer active in order to protect our property. Customers with multiple occurrences of failure to request removals resulting in sign posts being un-recovered or customer’s reliance on our internal audit for removal are subject to termination by Real Estate Signs Today, LLC and removal of all sign posts installed regardless of listing status. Re-listings are subject to our standard installation fees. Temporary withdrawals: Sign posts can remain at the listing for a period not to exceed 30 days (customer is responsible for any un-recovered posts during temporary withdrawal period). Customer must notify us of any temporary withdrawals and when the property goes back on the market. If we are not notified, post is subject to removal. Bank Owned, Repo/REO, Short Sale & Foreclosures: Customer is responsible for un-recovered posts (regardless of when the post becomes un-recoverable). The Customer should request removals “prior to” foreclosure dates to reduce the risk of un-recovered posts. $95 fee per post, $12 fee for missing spike and $15 fee per brochure box will apply for un-recovered posts. Customer must make timely payment as indicated on their monthly invoices. $15 late fee will apply per invoice if payment is not received/postmarked by the 15th of the month. If payment is not received by the end of the month, new orders will be declined until payment is received. If payment is not received by the 15th of the following month, existing sign posts are subject to removal, payment in full will be required before the re-installations can be performed, standard charges will apply to re-installations and future installations may require payment in advance. If fees have been applied to the customer’s account for un-recovered posts &/or brochure boxes and payment is not received by the 15th of the following month following the invoice date, all sign posts that have not been removed are subject to removal as we reserve the right to protect our property from further loss. Sign storage is a free service and extended as a courtesy for the convenience of our clients. Signs are stored in a manner to minimize deterioration and damage however time, humidity and overall changes in weather can affect a sign’s appearance and quality. It is the agent’s responsibility to check on and maintain the quality of their signs that are in our inventory. Signs will be stored for active agents only and up to 2 years from the last service request date. If an agent does not use our service for 1 year or has moved real estate companies and is not in contact regarding storage of the previous brokerage signs, Real Estate Signs Today, LLC reserves the right to dispose of agent’s signs. It is the agent’s responsibility to notify and arrange with Real Estate Signs Today, LLC to pick up any signs that are not in active use. Please note that we do not store agent owned brochure boxes so if you order a custom sign with a box attached, you will need to remove prior to requesting the sign removal. If the business relationship is severed by either party and there are posts currently installed, Real Estate Signs Today reserves the right to remove any of those posts installed in order to protect our property. This is at the sole discretion of Real Estate Signs Today. Please refer to our services/pricing page or our order form for description/pricing on other applicable fees for services provided/attempted by Real Estate Signs Today.